Thursday, February 17, 2011

رد: ختان البنات الي متى؟ ..AL JAHALEEYA

اعزائي القراء نحن نتناول قضية مهمة جدا في مجتمعنا الا وهي ختان الاناث وللأفادة الموضوع يحتوي على بعض الصور العلمية التوضيحية ارجو من كل من يهتم الالتزام بخصوصية الموضوع وعدم الاسائة وعدم الرد بألفاظ قبيحة او فاضحة

الواحده فيهن في السرير تلقاها زي الجنازة، والله زي الجنازة
النساء اللاتى لم يتعرضن للتشويه (الخفاض) يمكنهن الحصول على علاقة جنسية أفضل عدة مرات

Fgm is a sick ,disgusting,horrible horrendous ignorant crime against females.The woman's body is the most beautiful. It is unthinkable how a person can chop off something as precious as the parts of a woman's privates.A woman's body should NEVER be touched with a knife, Allah (swt) created a woman's body in its beauty! its like mutilating a beautiful rose.There is nothing healthy,attractive,and beautiful about a mutilated bodypart that went throught FGM. The vagina is the main symbol of womanhood and female sexuality. Not having the parts that every woman is born with and every woman on the face of this planet has,will cause someone to feel "unfeminine" "cold" "unattractive" .
Anyone who thinks different is sick and brainwashed by ignorant animalistic monsters!!!
these women who agree with spreading the legs of a 4 year old baby girl to mutilate her privates are no better then those sick child predators who prey on children,and the weakest in society is a little girl.Nothing justifies genital mutilation. In fact, no mutilation is allowed by Islam even in the battlefield. Not only is this procedure unjustifiable, it is brutal, inhumane and in violation of Islam
This sick practice predates Islam and Christianity, it has NO PLACE IN ISLAM. Islam is against supressing a woman's sexual desire.
*FGM is known to have serious health issues to women and girls, both psychological and physical
*Unhygienic,(NOT CLEAN)
*Severe pain
*sexual dysfunction and low sex drive.
*During childbirth the risk of haemorrhage and infection is greatly increased


*uterus, vaginal and pelvic infections
*psychological damage ..not feeling like a real woman

*Tetanus or sepsis

*Urine retention

*Ulceration of the genital region and injury to adjacent tissue

*Wound infection

*Urinary infection


*late menstrual cycle in girl
*Abscesses, dermoid cysts, and keloid scars
*these are only some of the consequences of fgm,there is a whole huge list of more horrible things.

recent studies have shown that females who underwent FGM have difficulties in childbirth,and they gave birth to underweight babies. Alot of babies born to women who underwent FGM have died.

This sick practice predates Islam and Christianity, it has NO PLACE IN ISLAM. Islam is against supressing a woman's sexual desire.
Sheikh Omar Ahmed,along with alot of other sheiks said It is a matter of abuse and violation of the female body and is quite clearly forbidden according to Islam," he told delegates from 13 African countries, Sweden and international bodies such as the World Health Organization.
The Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah, issued a Fatwa in which he considered that all what causes harm to the soul, body and the sexual abilities of the males or females, as prohibited acts
Islamic law protects a woman's right to sexual enjoyment during sex with her husband,Islam cares soo much about a woman's sexual pleasure that a woman has the right to divorce on the grounds that her husband does not provide sexual satisfaction. It follows that Islamic law prohibits clitorodectomy (partial or complete removal of the clitoris) or infibulation (excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening), or any genital mutilation which impairs the woman's ability to enjoy sexual relations. Islam protects the woman and her body from ignorant nonIslamic customs
, the clitoris' only purpose is to genreate sexual pleasure for a woman. In islam, Sexual relations between a man and his wife is highly encouraged. It is highly encouraged to satisfy your desire with your wife. How is tha tpossible with a mutilated woman? Mutilated genitalia reduce or eliminate a woman's pleasure during the act of sex. Men complain that the woman is "cold" during sex.

Allah(swt) created the clitoris for the sole purpose of generating pleasure. It has no other purpose
female circumcision is NOT lawful by the Islamic Sharia, and it is NOT a part of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed(salalahualyhewassalum).
you will find some sick people who agree with FGM..these sick people still exist. there are people who agree with homosexuality(astugfurallah) and other acts that go against nature and religion. So of course there is a small amount of ignorant misguided individuals that think spreading the legs of a screaming 3 year old girl is okay. These disgusting women who agree with FGM are sooo hurt with what happened to them as children that they want some other little girl to go through what they went through and feel the same pain they did. SICK, people like that who do this to others and say that its okay deserve nothing less than torment in the hellfire.

What does Islam say about this?

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